lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020



-Thesis statement

Topic: the Internet

Use the Internet is a great ally in our daily lives.


I.The necessity of the Internet

  A. It permits us look for information

  B. We can connect with our family and friends

  C. It allow connect us to online classes

II.Advantages of the Internet

  A. It is very quickly

  B. There are in the majority of places

III.The addiction of some people with the Internet

  A.Some people have the neccesity of check constantly the phone



Hellow, this week I am going to speak about the coronovirus.

The coronavirus began at the end of 2019 in China and on February were the first cases in Spain. The news described as a simple virus that had more possibility of contagious than other virus. The months would pass and the presenters of news said that coronavirus was a mundial pandemic and was really contagious.

On March things do not go well and we had a confinament of 2 months and a half. It was frustating by most people. People applauded from their balconies at half past eight all the nights, they did challenges, tik toks and they cooked home-made desserts.

I spent the confinament in a different way. At first, I would be wihout anything to do and I did video call with my friends. But, two weeks later, I started online classes and I had to do a lots of work. I spend the two remaining months busy and at the final I had to study for the university entrance exam. 

After the imprisonment, people were crazy for go to the bars and restaurants, they did not mind about the applauses for giving thanks to the nurses and anything. 

Nowadays, we know more about this virus and his vaccine. The more common symptoms are: dry tosh, fever and tiredness. The less common symptoms are: diarrhoea, headache, less of taste or smell and rashes on skin. And the serious symptons are: difficulty breathing, chest pain or pressure and loss of speech or movement. We have pre-emptive measures such a wash the hands frequantly, we should have distance with the rest of people and we have to put the face mask. The vaccine will arrive on January in Spain, It has been cheked in USA and Americans have to be vacinnated in two turns, but we have to continue putting the face mask. It is a bit strange and it does not have sense.

A few weeks ago I known a case of coronavirus in a younger person, it has 30 years. This man was intelligent and he had a really good job, but with the coronavirus he talks very slow and he cannot work in the same job. It is a pity, his life never will be the same and he has effects for always.

I believe that the presenters of news exaggerate the coronavirus, they want that we feel fear. The diary results of the new infections is not real, there are less than they say. Moreover, they speak about the coronavirus, but they do not tell anything more. There are not news about murders, robberies, deads of cancer...They have the reason when they say that we have to be prudents .

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020


 Dear Professor Mary Goldsmith.

 I am Talía Ruiz Hernández, one of the students of the poetry seminari.

I hope you can assist me with a consent that I need of your part, the reason is I have unfavorable bus combination to go to the seminari, therefore I will arrive 10 minutes late, until I don't found any other solution. Honestly, I hope resolve it as soon as possible, because I hate lose each minute of your class.

I will be looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance for your attention and time.

Yours faithfully,


domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

PRACTICE 8: problem-solution paragraph


The more polluted the air is, the more problems we will have. This problem continue and will continue for ages because it is very difficult to result, it will need radical, and hard steps. A measure could be reduce to the maximun the use of cars, motorcycles, bus, trams, among others, but it could be very difficult why no all the people work near their houses or they haven't bicycles. Other reason for the air pollution is the aeroplanes, there are plenty of them each day or the private jets too. The air pollution increases every year, but we don't realize about it, although when we were confined the sky was incredibly clean and as blue as never. One of the solutions is buy electric cars or use more the public transports. However, the most important thing to do first is raises awareness about this huge issue.  

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020


 Hellow, this morning I had two hours free and I have decided see a film, this film is called "Rich in love" and I have thought to resume it there.

This film is about a rich man that does all he want, for example he spends a enormous amount of money in parties, clothe, he meet each day with a different girl and he never does not work .Their family has money because they have a factory of tomatoes. Nevertheless, Teto turn 18 years, and it is the moment of have responsabilities and doing something in the life. The father said to his son that he has to work in the factory and he should set the head once and for all, moreover since I have 18 years he does nor receive any money from the part of the father. The son is not according to him, but he knows that he has to work there, for receive an expensive and fascinating car. 

One night the man go out and he notices a beautiful woman, falling in love. Then, he talks with her saying that his life is normal, without wealth, and the woman said that she is studying. He decided study the same and go to the same place for looking all the days, but he is known as the son of... and if the teachers of the course notice, he will win a position of work in this course. Teto thought about a solution, he goes to the course with his best friend, this friend will be "Teto" with the purpose of Teto could win the position by own initiative. Like Teto was her friend, the true Teto does not be listened by the teachers, but he makes a lot of effort and finally teachers would give two position of work for the two.

The true Teto is meeting with the woman every day, and they are boyfriend. One day the girl notice he lied in many things and she was bad-tempered, she does not know nothing about him. Teto felt bad and dissapointed with himself. But he learn a motto: lies have short legs, this fall makes that he would not tell more lies.

This film makes you think about a teenager receives all without any effort, and altought he always complain because he ask more and more. We have to think that not all is possible thanks to our parents, in a moment in our life we should earn the things with our offering and effort, doing this we feel well-being.

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020


 Hi, this week I'm going to write an opinion paragraph about immigrants,

Immigrants supply far of good things to the country they go. They work in the harder job, be farmer in the country. They have to work in very bad conditions: be hot, they have to work many hours and they collect few money. Immigrants accept this job because they do not have other best option. However, Spaniards complain saying: " they go to Spain for take off the job", in fact they take off the dirty job.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

PRACTICE 6: process paragraph, how use an app

 Hi again,

Today I'm going to explain how use an app, it is an action that can be very easy for the youngs and it can be difficult to the adults. I have chosen the app Unfold.

This app consist of doing something very similar to the collages. You can found a huge variety of stencils and you can put more or less photos depending on the stencil what you chose. Later, I'm going to show you a few of them. Furthermore, Unfold has lovely effects for add to the photos, you can change the intensity or the contraste of the photos and also it has a function what permit introduce texts with nice kind of leters and colours, you can highlight the texts... The bad part to this application is that you have to paid for any extra thing.                                                                                

Now, I'm going to explain how you have to use it. When you open Unfold you have three bottom, the firt for doing a phot at this moment, the second for choosing a photo and the third for buying stencils. First of all you have to do a photo/photos or you've to chose one/someone of your phone, then, you should see the stencils and you will chose what you like more. After that you can move the photo, do it smaller or longer, put the text on the right or on the left, you can add stickers. The principal purpose of the application is what your photos have a better vision, they seems more professional, artistics and specials.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020


 Hellow, this week I would like to talk about the ability of human for complicate all.

People brood on all type of things, either something simple or something complicated. It can be one of our disadvantages. I am going to give some examples:

We can worry about the next crisis because the coronavirus, especially adults, and I might consider that the corcern about it is normal because this virus takes work off many people and the pandemic has increase the price of basic food, clothes, furniture...

What I do not understand is why a person strike it lucky with the people of his village. It is like this person do not have life, he looks and researchs on Facebook or Instagram about what this person do with their life. Doing this type of facts we tilt of bad energy or vibration and envy. I believe that it is not good for anyone, each one should continue with his things and we should progress and improve by and exclusively for us.

On school field, the majority of children think constantly and say bad thoughts to themselves when they do not pass an exam, because fail is like a grave error or when it comes to say the mark to the parents. The same happen with young people, above all on the University, if an undergraduate fail an exam or an explanation, can has the idea of leave the degree. His thought could be really negative.

An adult person appart to the mark of the test, moreover he think a lot in fit in with the present society, an adolescent is able to leave his personality aside with the purpose of belonging to a group of people. It occur because we do not know how spend time alone and this is better than spend time with bad people.

The parents have this problem too, because be adult do not mean do not worry about the things, a mum or a parent as a general rule has more complications and those have gravity. For example they worry about the light or water payments, the mortgage or the car payment.

To sump up this issue, I believe that our mentality should change, we cannot think and think about all, the most important we should do is be better person and improve in the aspects what been necessaries.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2020

PRACTICE 5: recipe



400 grams of spaguetti
400 grams of peeling prawns or 750 grams of prawns no peeling
One clove of garlic
Two chili peppers
One onion
Tomato sauce
A bit of parsley (for garnish)
Olive oil and salt


This is an easy and different recipe. It is an authentic delicacy too.First, wash the prawns and put it in a bowl or in any type of pan. Then, peel the onion and the clove of garlic and cut them. Next, heat the olive oil, chili peppers and onion in a frying pan during 10 minutes. After that, boil the spaguettis in a pat. Now, it's time time to put the prawns in the frying pan and add the tomato sauce. Then, drip the spaguettis. Lastly, add some grass to decorating the pasta such as perejil or green onion and now it is turn of take pleasure to the magnificent plate.


 INDEX Fashion Practice 1 Social Networks The disorder you leave Practice 2 Feel the beat film Practice 3 A bad day Practice 4 My move Pract...